Tuesday, January 7, 2014

the traveler's workout

Busy schedules can make fitting in a workout seem impossible. Traveling for work (or pleasure) can be a huge hindrance for people. Usually, you aren't' familiar with the fitness center, your hotel doesn't have one, a time zone change has left you groggy and wanting to catch up on "lost" sleep. Now that the excuses are out, let's make the choice to get up and get healthy on the road. You can do it. In your pajamas if you'd like :)

The following quick workout is designed for the "too busy" traveler in a hotel room using NO EQUIPMENT.

Have a glass of water ready before you start. The odds of pausing to go get water and actually resume are low. I want you to succeed, so go get water first.

30 jumping jacks
:30 seconds jog in place
30 high knees
30 jumping jacks

(the people in the room below you won't hear you, most hotels are built quite soundly with cement between floors. Nice try though.)

Now for the WORKOUT:
10 squats
10 lunges
10 calf raises
**repeat this 4x with 30 seconds to 1 minute rest in between**

5 push ups
5 triceps dips (using the coffee table, and end table, anything in the room that will be sturdy enough for you to dip.)
plank for as long as you can---shoot for 60 seconds
**repeat this 4x with 30 seconds to 1 minute rest in between**

Lay on your back with hands under your hips and legs as straight as you can in the air. Imagine your feet are pens and begin to write the alphabet with your legs. Your feet should be coming down about two inches off the ground. Keep the legs as straight as you can. Remember to breath and draw your belly button to your spine.
You may not be able to write all 26 letters on your first attempt, but keep trying! Soon you'll be able to complete the upper, lower, and cursive alphabet!


Have a great day!

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