Saturday, January 18, 2014

it's simple, really: diet and exercise

The number one question I get as a trainer is "what's the secret to getting thin?" and I'm here to answer that for you all--diet and exercise. There is no magical pill, appetite suppressant, fad, weight loss sprinkles, celebrity endorsed product, or any other man made chemical supplement that is going to make weight loss successful and long lasting. Sure you may shed some pounds quickly, but they'll come back and may even bring some extra pounds with them.

Yes, there are thousands upon thousands of temptations every day that may have you doubting your ability to get healthy. Diet and exercise will make passing those evil temptations easier each day. I'm not talking about going on a "diet" and restricting carbs or sugars or any other cut it all out type of fad. I'm talking moderation, self restraint, and physical activity. It isn't rocket science--a doughnut every day will make you fat. A well-balanced meal, including carbohydrates and sugars, will not make you fat. Copious amounts of refined sugar and eating your vegetables breaded and deep fried or smothered in some bright orange "cheese" sauce is not a well-balanced diet. Think about it logically...if it costs you less than $1.00 and can be prepared in under thirty seconds, it's probably not a good choice.

"Why am I overweight? Every time I eat out I get the soup or salad..." Does that soup taste nice and creamy? Is the salad drenched in dressing? Cream-based soups are delicious, but terrible for you. The first and last ingredients of most restaurant soups are butter and cream. BUTTER AND CREAM. Not healthy. Salad dressing? In small amounts, go for it! Ranch, Thousand Island, French, Honey Dijon, you know, all those really yummy ones, terrible. Swap it out for balsamic vinaigrette, or just oil and vinegar. Cheese is great and full of protein, but the average serving size of cheese is a one inch by one inch square. That's not a lot. When your salad comes, take off half of the cheese. If it looks scarily processed and not quite fresh, take it all off. And maybe don't eat at that restaurant again. If the food doesn't look fresh, it's not something you should be putting in your body.

"Drive thrus are so convenient and I am a busy mom/dad/student/employee/etc..." You know what else is convenient? Crock pots. Chop your vegetables the night before and toss everything in to the pot in the morning before you leave for your day. Before the kids are awake, before the days distractions and excuses can really start. There are so many recipes that are simple and healthy. I guarantee you will spend less time chopping and tossing a meal together in a crock pot than you would driving to a fast food joint, waiting in line at the drive thru, and then driving home. Try it!

"I chase my toddler around all day, that's exercise.." No it isn't. That's being active. You need to EXERCISE. Walking briskly with said toddler to the grocery store, doing push ups while toddler naps or has a lesson in counting, tossing a ball to the kid while doing a wall sit--these are exercises. Have a gym membership? USE IT! I promise you people are not judging the over weight, unfit person for going to the gym and using the equipment. If anyone even pays attention to anything other than their own reflection in the mirrors on the cardio equipment, it isn't you. It's the hot trainer in the corner. It's the guy giving the newscast. It's the sports channel. It's the magazine or book they brought. It will be extremely rare that someone is actually staring at you and judging you.

I can go on and on about the excuses and countering them. Diet and Exercise will get you healthy. All it takes is 30-45 minutes of physical activity a day. Activity that raises your heart rate for the full 30-45 minutes. I challenge you to try this week. Start small. Cut out sodas, cut out the full fat with whip mocha you have been getting. Walk around the block a few times. Park further away from the store or office. Go Online and look at the nutrition facts of the chain restaurant you are going to tonight, make informed, healthy choices.

And remember...if it isn't work, it won't work!

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