Friday, January 24, 2014

reward yourself, you've earned it!

Remember those goals we talked about setting? If you haven't already written some down, please do! Start small if you want (no soda this week, loose two pounds by the end of the month, go for a walk every day, etc.) but write them down so you can start rewarding yourself when goals are met. It's an excellent way to motivate you to get to your next benchmark goal.

Rewards are an amazing tool to keep yourself focused on the end result and bump your motivation along the way. I'm not talking about rewarding yourself with an ice cream cone because you ate healthy yesterday. Get rid of food as a reward all together. It is an unhealthy way to reward yourself and can very easily develop into an unhealthy relationship with food--and we're trying to reverse these unhealthy relationships.

My personal favorite way to reward myself for reaching a goal is to buy a new piece of workout clothing. I'm a marathoner, and this is totally weird, but it is what it is, and new socks make me really excited. Like embarrassingly excited. I love them! There is something about clean, crisp, elastic-in-tact socks that makes me want to run an extra mile or seven. I can find a pair for under $6 and it will keep me happy for a while. Sure, you can buy some fancy coffee drink loaded with sugar and empty calories for around $6, but will that really do anything for your psyche or physique? You're right, it won't. Go with the socks. Or any other type of workout garment that brings you joy. Or earrings, necklace, bracelets, shoes, jeans (to show off that hot new ass) get my point. Manicures and pedicures are also an excellent way to reward yourself and your hands will look super cute wrapped around those dumbbells.

If you decide to go the new garment route, it doesn't need to be expensive. You don't need to feed the LuLu addiction you may have. Marshalls, Ross, TJ Maxx, and stores like this tend to have a pretty hefty selection of workout clothing and gear. For twenty bucks you can get a new pair of yoga pants and a top. Resistance bands and yoga mats can be found for less than $10.

Don't have extra money laying around? No problem! I once saw a cute idea on Pinterest to put one dollar in a jar every time you work out. When you reach your goal, take the money you have been putting in the jar and use it to buy your reward.

Not in to rewarding yourself with material things? Try allowing yourself to do something you have always wanted to do but haven't felt confident enough to try in the past. Is there a nice hiking trail nearby, but it's always freaked you out? Go for it!! Always wanted to try running outside, but afraid people will judge you? Go for it! Again, nobody is going to judge someone for being active and trying to get healthy. You can do this.

Set some goals, set some reward ideas for when you hit the benchmarks and allow yourself to have fun!

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