Wednesday, May 7, 2014

just get up and do it

I have been extremely lazy lately, as you can probably tell from the lack of posts. The whole two kids, two dogs, a house and a husband thing has been keeping me busy and in the down time when both kids are napping, I was feeding my semi-embarrassing addiction to The Carrie Diaries on Netflix. Now that I have finished the only season, it is time to jump back on the wagon and get going again.

For a few weeks now I have been setting my alarm for 5:15a with the intent of getting up, working out and starting my day without kids present and before the excuses can really get in my way. My poor baby has become the scapegoat for my laziness. Oh, Frank woke up once last night, I can't wake up at 5:15 to workout. He's teething, he's cranky all day, when he naps, I deserve to watch TV and not to anything to better my physical health. When Frank is awake while Norah is napping, game over. I can only do so many push ups with him underneath me.

So, all that rambling led to me finally biting the bullet, and waking up at 5:09a today and, drum roll please, working out! I had coffee in silence (all you caffeine addicted moms out there know how amazing this is) finished an entire cup while still warm without using the microwave to keep it that way, watched a bit of the news, and ran a few miles on the treadmill. I was very quickly reminded how much I hate, no, loathe, running on a treadmill, and dreamed of the days my kids will be in Kindergarten and I can go on the open road for as long as I'd like, you know, until pick up.

I will say this about the treadmill; I don't have to fight with the kids to stop screaming while in the double Bob. I can just run and get it done without the external dialogue. The internal fighting with myself to not look at the display screen and to just keep going is a whole other story.

I have decided that I will get up early three mornings a week and work out before the children rise. I feel great, already did two loads of laundry, fed the minions, fed myself, thought about cleaning the house, and ironed a table runner. <---That last one shocked me, too. Who irons a table runner? Apparently, this gal does!

I urge you all to wake up early, and do a workout. Even if it's a mini one. I am aware that not everyone has the luxury of a home gym, but I'm pretty sure everyone reading this has a chair, a clock, and some random household items that can be used as weights. Check out the traveler's workout I posted a while back. This can be done right when you wake up and jump start your day. You can also set a clock for three minutes and knock out as many Burpees as you can in those three minutes. It's fantastic.

I've laid out the steps nice and easy for you:

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