Friday, February 21, 2014

eat food, not crap.

Some people, I used to be one of them, will look at packaged foods with a "fat free," "low fat," and "sugar free" label as good for them and make the purchase. I would hope that with the vast research and findings on the horrors of artificial sweeteners, anything labeled as "sugar free" or "diet" should be avoided like a diseased wiener (unless you have some medical condition that requires consumption of these types of foods as diagnosed by a licensed physician, not your well to do friend). Fat free and low fat options should, in my opinion, also be avoided whenever possible. The process used to make foods fat free and low fat involves chemically leaching the fat out of a whole food. Any time you need modern science to "fix" a food, there is a problem. Our bodies are pretty amazing and were made (by whomever or whatever you chose to believe created them) to process food. Not diet soda and GMOs, but food. Why not give your body what it was made to have? You aren't going to fill the gas tank in your car with water, right?

I have noticed many articles making appearances on Facebook in the recent months trying to scare people into eating healthy. I like scare tactics, they're fun, but they don't seem to be effective. If they were, nobody would smoke cigarettes. So, I urge you to do your research about what you are putting into your body, before you do. If you wouldn't feed it to your small child, chances are, you shouldn't be eating it.

Below are some articles I find interesting and potentially helpful to read before your next trip to the grocery store. While I'm thinking of grocery stores, a good rule of thumb is to buy most of, if not all, your groceries from the outside aisles of the store. This will include the "fresh" stuff: produce, dairy, eggs, bakery bread, etc. The inner aisles carry the highly processed, overly sugared, boxed 'food' that more often than not contains ingredients only scientists can pronounce. I don't know about you, but I don't want a scientist making my food.

For your reading pleasure:

things Americans can eat, but other countries ban

some scary stuff in common foods

**I was going to post a link for how horrible artificial dyes are, but there are too many! It will require it's own post. Stay tuned.

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