Wednesday, February 19, 2014

engage your core

Today I was in a fitness class and we were talking about the midsection and abs and how to keep things nice and tight, especially after babies. Everyone has tried countless sit ups, crunches, etc. to get a flat stomach, but there are only so many back bending, floor laying exercises one can do before deciding it's boring and giving up.

A common phrase shouted out during fitness classes, is "engage your core!" this means to essentially flex your stomach. Suck it in like you're in a bikini (speedo?) and the most attractive person you've ever seen is looking your way. Now, stay like this throughout your workout, but remember to breathe. This is going to help move the toning process along. Another way to think of it is to draw your belly button back towards your spine. Give it a try.

The beautiful thing about engaging your core is that you can do it all the time. Stuck in traffic? Engage your core. Walking the dog? Engage your core. Sitting at your computer at work? Engage your core. You get the point, you can always be doing something to enhance your level of fitness. In fact, if you are stuck sitting at a desk job, or just a desk, or in a chair, give this exercise a try: engage your core and lift your right foot (keep knee bend ninety degrees) off the ground for a count of three, and lower it back down for a count of three. Repeat with your left foot. Do this ten times with each foot. Do this several times a day if you fancy...happy core engaging!

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