Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I know that we are going unprocessed this month, but I am going to share with you all my love for Listerine. Yes, Listerine. That disgusting pure alcohol tasting mouth wash that is probably doing much more harm than good.

Do you ever find yourself making cookies and eating the better part of the raw dough? Me, too. Only it's quite sad how much cookie dough I can put away. It's probably the main reason I started distance running all those years ago. I LOVE me some raw dough! Baked cookies are okay, but dough is my Achilles's heel. I was starting to read up on the dangers of raw eggs, but it didn't do any good. The sweet, sweet taste of raw cookie dough is worth the tiny risk of salmonella and a day or two of puking. That's a totally rational thought, right? Then I discovered a new purpose for Listerine.

When I am in the throws of baking and wanting to eat a week's worth of calories in one glorious afternoon, I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and swish with Listerine. The full thirty seconds. It burns, and it sucks, but I don't want to put another spoonful (big, wooden spoonful) of dough in my mouth.

Cookie dough not your thing? It works when you're halfway through that bag of chips, ice cream, anything! Are you trying to stop drinking soda? When you're craving one, go brush your teeth and swish some rinse. It will make your teeth happy and your stomach happy.  The best part of Listerine is that they come in those cute travel bottles so you can keep one in your desk at work, your purse, gym bag, diaper bag (out of reach of grabby kid hands), pretty much anywhere you fancy.

Now you know one of my weird little things.

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