Thursday, March 27, 2014

overfed and undernourished: Hungry for Change

Yesterday a miracle occurred in my house; both kids napped, at the same time, for over two hours! I decided to not be productive at all out of fear for one of them waking as soon as I started cleaning and watched a documentary instead.

Hungry for Change (watch the trailer here) is a great documentary that is extremely informative and made me think even longer and harder about the food I am putting in my own body and the bodies of those I love most in the world. My family and I are still in the midst of our month of unprocessed foods, and up until yesterday afternoon, I was so excited to eat some Goldfish crackers on April 1, but that will no longer be happening.

The thing that stood out the most to me was how terrible aspartame is for you. We all have heard that this stuff is bad for you and can trick your body and actually make you gain weight. I used to be a total fiend for Diet Coke, but in recent years have learned the error of my ways. What I didn't know is that pilots aren't allowed to drink diet soda because it is a well-known fact in the aerospace world that it can really dick with your eyesight and put one's career and the passengers on board in danger. Pretty scary.

The underlying theme of the film is that Americans in particular are obese because they are overfed and undernourished. We are consuming a ridiculous amount of food, but it is mostly food made in a lab composed of mostly chemicals to make it taste like a better, sweeter version of the original food product. The body is an amazing thing that knows what it needs to eat and when it is not getting the necessary nutrients, it goes into starvation mode and starts saving food as fat to prepare for what it sees as a famine. This makes a lot more sense the way they explain it. Put food in your body that it was made to break down: animal products, fruit, and vegetables. Eliminate white sugar, white flour, and overly processed foods.

There is so much great information in this documentary, I highly suggest everyone watch it and then tell those they love to watch it. It isn't some fad thing. It is just very informative. Once you are armed with information (whether or not you agree with it) you can make educated decisions.

AmazonPrime is streaming it for free. I believe it is on Netflix. Again, the film is called Hungry for Change.

Happy Day! Go do ten push ups and eat something green today!

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