Friday, March 7, 2014

Why I Hate Supplements

In a nutshell; they're gross.

The longer version: Supplements aren't regulated by the FDA, so pretty much anything can be crushed up and encapsulated and passed off as something to make you feel better. I am always quite dumbfounded when I see so many GNC stores still open with people still going in and stocking up on things that are going to make them healthier. I just chuckle to myself and keep on walking. Doesn't it seem counterproductive to put chemicals in your body in an effort to make it healthier and perform better? Get your nutrients from your food. Not food-based pills. You'll get more nutrients and more satisfaction out of chewing and swallowing a delicious meal than you will get out of swallowing a wax coated pill. 

Don't believe me? Look at the bottle in your cupboard. Somewhere on it, it will say, in very small print accompanied by a cute asterisk, that the "statements are not verified by the FDA." Now, I'm not saying FDA approval carries a whole lot of gusto these days with all the other crap they allow us to consume, but I do find some sense of peace knowing that nutrition experts are keeping an eye out. 

Protein supplements? Again, get it from food. If you put too much protein in your body, it isn't going to make you beef up any quicker. Your body will process it, register it as excess, and store it as fat. Plus, those powders are chemically extracted from a whole food source, so, JUST EAT THE FOOD. And sandwich that protein between two delicious pieces of carbs! Your body needs carbohydrates, it just doesn't need an overabundance. More on the bad rap my dear friend the carbohydrate has in another post.

For now, try to pay more attention to what goes in your mouth. Ask yourself if it will benefit your body and your mind. Would you give it to your kid? Your dog? Your great Aunt Edna? Nutrition in pill or shake for seems too easy. Remember, if it's not work, it won't work. Eating a healthy, balanced diet takes work. Work works. Trust me. 

Now, go do 25 jump squats and have a lovely day!

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