Friday, March 14, 2014

walking lunges

Walking lunges are one of my favorite things. Yes, they suck while you're doing them. Yes, they suck the day after if you are just starting, but boy, do they sure make your ass and thighs look good! They are so beneficial to your body and stamina and so simple! You can literally do these anywhere. Sure, you may feel self conscious walking around the mall doing lunges, but hey, anyone who judges you is just super jealous that they either A. don't have the amazing capacity to do such an incredible exercise or B. lack the self confidence to bust out some sweet lunges in public. Either way, they can suck it. You'll look fabulous in no time!

Now, if walking lunges in public isn't your thing, no worries, here is a short list of where you can do them: in your house, in your yard, while walking the dog, in your office, in the bathroom at work, at the gym, at the park, at the dog park, in the sandbox,... You get the point. There are no excuses to NOT do these bad boys other than injury and laziness.

When you click out of this blog and put down your phone or laptop, do walking lunges to your next destination. Going from the couch to the kitchen? Lunge to it! Bedroom to bathroom? Lunge to it! Is this blog your toilet reading? Lunge out of the John. As always, start small and build up. Do ten walking lunges (5 with each leg) the first day, then add 10 each day after. Soon you'll be noticing your tooshie getting higher and firmer. And so will your partner.

Not sure how to do a walking lunge? Check out this video. Your back knee will want to come close to the ground and your front knee will bend making a 90 degree angle. It is imperative to not let that front knee go past your toes. That is when injuries will happen.

Happy Lunging, friends!

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